The 2017/18 Season kicks off this Saturday 7th October.
Please ensure children are registered online via LAVic website, this includes children who are wanting to join us on a ‘trial’ basis. Don’t leave this task till Friday night, as bibs are being printed as we speak, and you run the risk of your kids not being able to compete on the first day!
Bibs will be ready to collect from your club tables, so allow some extra time in the morning for everyone to gain access to their info and ensure we are all ready to roll for first events. Club Managers will give athletes a welcome before 9am, with events kicking off after that.
Our first day will be busy busy busy, so please bear with us as we ensure to do our best at having a smoothly run day for all involved.
Please keep an eye out for new athletes and ‘trial’ athletes, new families need guidance, so ensure you help out those that look a little lost and confused as to where to be and what to do!
And don’t forget parents… without your help to assist with duty tasks, we cannot run events….. so your help is extremely important to the children being able to participate in Little Aths. Make sure you let your clubs know when you are available to help.
Last but not least…. SUNDAY 8th October is our fundraising BBQ at Bunnings Chirnside Park – please volunteer to help if you can.
See you Saturday, don’t forget some sunscreen and a bottle of water!!!!