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Track Re-Opening

This Saturday is the official re-opening of the upgraded Croydon track!
As well as the great looking track, our fantastic new discus cage is ready to use. We also have new shot put arenas which have been relocated to face each other. We are working with the Council to install scoria landing pits which will be ready for next season.

We also have new timing gates for the back straight which wouldn’t have been possible without the generous support of Phoenix parent Aaron Struhs and Essential Safety Solutions. They have become a Platinum sponsor for the next few seasons, so big thanks to them! The new gates will mean more efficient recording and less parents required on duty.

We are working on having local media covering the re-opening and will also be running our delayed Relaython to raise money in support of the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. We aim to have the baton carried non-stop around the track for the entire competition and ask for gold coin donations from those taking part. Parents and friends are welcome to join in. Feel free to donate to this great cause even if you don’t take part!

Championship Day forms are due back this Saturday. Forms can be found on our Facebook page and website.

We would appreciate extra help setting up from 7.30am as we need to move the high jump box back in to place, among other things. Warm ups from 8.45am and competition starts at 9.00am.

The BBQ will be running, the canteen will be open and first aid will be in attendance.

Championship Day Entry Form

We are beginning to plan our Centre Championship Day for 2016-17 which is on Saturday 18th March.

On this day, athletes will compete in 4 events which they select by clicking the attachment below. We ask athletes to number events in order of preference. Every attempt is made to give all athletes at least 2 of their top 4 preferences but this at times can be difficult. Athletes who do not receive their preferences will still be placed in another event so they are still competing in 4. It is important to number every box in case all four preferences cannot be accommodated.

This is an all day event starting at 8.45am and finishing around 4pm so it is best to keep the whole day free. Families will be asked to complete a duty in this day, please contact your Club team manager if you foresee an issue with this.

The top 3 place-getters of each event will be presented with medals on the podium. Canteen, BBQ and First aid will be present all day. Make sure you bring sunscreen, hats, plenty of water and your camera.

Please contact your team manager if you have further questions or send CLAC an email

Championship preference forms need to be returned to your Club team manager or emailed by Saturday 4th March. Please make sure you hand the form in on time as late forms may not be processed or athletes may be allocated to events that may not be their preference.

CLAC Championship Entry Form 2016-17