Little Athletics Croydon is a non profit organisation that relies on the assistance of parents to operate.
To successfully operate the Little Athletics program on a weekly basis, all parents or representatives of an attending family must attend duties. Duties in athletics isn’t a tough job even if you’re brand new and have never been involved in athletics. You will always be helping with other parents at the same event, plus we know that when you get stuck into it, time will go much faster and you will have more fun high fiving and helping kids in their events.
Without your help with duties, we simply wouldn’t be able to run a successful competition and would have to reduce the events each week.
Each week a duty roster is organised to ensure the competition day runs smoothly. If you are unable to attend, speak with one the Centres Duty Helpers
Duty may include:
- Assisting Age groups to their events
- Organising the athletes for events
- Measuring jumps or throws
- Raking the long jump pits
- Assisting age group leaders
- Recording results
- Coaching assistance
- COVID Safety Official
- Canteen Assistance
- Key Officials (Event managers, Group Leaders & Starters)
Please put your name down on our roster to register for your duty.